Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man. Benjamin Franklin
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” – Benjamin Franklin
Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. Benjamin Franklin
Well done is better than well said. Benjamin Franklin
He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows, nor judge all he sees. Benjamin Franklin
The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wiseman is in his heart. Benjamin Franklin
Glass, china and reputation, are easily cracked, and never well mended. Benjamin Franklin
“For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.” Plato.
“Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.” Aristotle
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” Nietzsche
Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism operated by pygmies. Balzac
“Behind every great fortune there is a crime.” Balzac
"Better three hours too soon than a minute too late." - William Shakespeare
Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us. ~ Socrates
The time comes upon every public man when it is best for him to keep his lips closed. A. Lincoln
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. - Judy Garland
Those who intend on becoming great should love neither themselves nor their own things, but only what is just, whether it happens to be done by themselves or others.” Plato
“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge” Plato
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” Tagore
People will not remember what you said, they will remember how you made them feel. Unknown
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” Churchill
“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.” Mahatma Gandhi
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Mahatma Gandhi
There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, andone who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever. Gandhi.
"Sometimes it is not good enough to do your best; you have to do what's required." - Sir Winston Churchill
As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. ~ Andrew Carnegie
For everything you have missed, you have gained something else. Emerson
Those who have few affairs to attend to, are great speakers. The less men think, the more they talk. Montesquieu.
There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself. Louis XIV
The employer generally gets the employees he deserves. Sir Walter Bilbey
When a man understands himself, he begins to live. When he begins to live, he begins to understand his fellow men. Norvin G. McGranahan
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